Giving To Gilcomston

If you would like to give regularly to the work at Gilcomston, the details for setting up a standing order are:

Gilcomston Church, Virgin Money
Sort code: 82-60-11
Account Number: 60085110
Account Name: Gilcomston Church

If you would like to give a one-off donation to Gilcomston, the details are:

Gilcomston Church, Virgin Money

Account No: 30272315
Sort Code: 82-11-07
Account Name: Gilcomston Church

If you pay income tax in the UK, the Gilcomston Church can claim the tax back on your giving. If this is the case, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form

The finances are administered by the Deacons and Treasurer on behalf of the Leadership Team:

Chair to the Deacons:
David Strudwick

Church Treasurer:
Jeanne Ritchie
If you have financial queries or would like to give to Gilcomston Church, please collect a form from the information point or email for more details.


Rosemary Anthony
Hannah Bycroft
Esther Combe
Brian Gourlay
Matthew Kirkwood
Andrew Mumford
David Strudwick
Mark Wood

The Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 can be found here.

Gilcomston Church is a company limited by guarantee (No SC426799) and a Scottish Charity (no SC043281). Its registered office is at Gilcomston Church, Union Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1TP.  A summary of previous annual reports for Gilcomston Church can be found on the OSCR website. Click here to access it.