
Training men and women for a lifetime of fruitful ministry is a core component of our life as a fellowship: we see that integral to our calling as the people of God is the responsibility of developing the gifts of each and every person, equipping them to live in a way that brings glory to God and that enriches and deepens their knowledge of Him.

As part of that whole culture of training, and in line with many like-minded fellowships, we’re very much committed to training gospel workers. To that end, and working in close partnership with the Ministry Training Academy as a training provider, we’ve developed a specific 2-year programme geared to training men and women in ministry.

Trainees sign up to spend two years serving in the life of the fellowship: they engage in study, receive instruction and training, are given hands-on experience of ministry, and share in the many practical tasks involved in the ongoing life of the church. The training programme gives them a great opportunity to develop their gifts, to grow in their faith, and to discern the more clearly whether the Lord is calling them into full-time ministry going forward.

Details about the training programme can be found here. For further information about the programme please contact the church office.